
I have taught various courses while at Durham, including:

  • General Relativity, Statistical Mechanics, Electromagnetism for undergraduates.
  • String Theory, Euclidean Field Theory, Non-perturbative physics and Introduction to AdS/CFT for graduates.

In the past few academic years, I was teaching:


  • Phy 250: Special Topics in Physics: Topological Quantum Field Theories (Winter 2016)
  • Phy 110B: Electricity and Magnetism (Spring 2016)


  • Phy 9HB: Honors Physics (Winter 2017)
  • Phy 230C: Quantum Field Theory III (Spring 2017)
  • Phy 250: Special Topics: Applications of the AdS/CFT correspondence (Spring 2017)


  • Phy 9HB: Honors Physics (Winter 2018)
  • Phy 250: Special Topics: Conformal Field Theories (Winter 2018)
  • Phy 150: Special Topics: String Theory (Spring 2018)


  • Phy 9HB: Honors Physics (Winter 2019)
  • Phy 230C: Quantum Field Theory III (Winter 2019)


  • Phy 215: Quantum Mechanics (graduate, Fall 2019)
  • Mat 180: Introduction to Physical Mathematics (w/ Tudor Dimofte, Winter 2020)
  • Phy 150/250: Physics of Quantum Information (Spring 2020)
  • Phy 9HC: Honors Physics (Spring 2020)


  • Phy 215: Quantum Mechanics (Fall 2020)
  • Phy 260: General Relativity (Fall 2020)
  • Phy 250: Theoretical Methods in Physics (Spring 2021)


  • PHY 215A: Quantum Mechanics (Fall 2021)
  • PHY 232: Topics in String Theory (Winter 2022)
  • PHY 9HB: Honors Physics (Winter 2022)


  • PHY 232: Topics in String Theory (Spring 2023)

In the upcoming academic year, I am teaching


  • PHY 232: Topics in String Theory (Fall 2023)
  • PHY 260: General Relativity (Fall 2023)

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